
Technical Document on Bat Ringing in Italy

Technical Document on Bat Ringing in Italy

Following the observations that arose during the Round Table that was held on the 16th of March 2006, at the bat ringing in Italy workshop that took place at the Museo di Storia Naturale and promoted by the Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, the Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica and our very own GIRC, the final draft of the Technical Document on Bat Ringing in Italy was completed.

This document is the result of a program started by the GIRC during the I Italian Bat Congress in 1998, that gave way to various moments of discussion and research (specific workshops organised during the annual GIRC assemblies) and that is now reaching an important result, thanks to the project supported by the Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare and the collaboration of the Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica.

For clarity’s sake it must be noted that the draft has not yet been delivered to the Ministry and must, as such, be considered as an internal document until its official approval that will confirm the implementation of the proposed procedures. After its approval, the document will hopefully be published in the series “Quaderni di Conservazione della Natura” and made available for the general public.

We kindly ask that any document contained herein be distributed to third parties that are not GIRC members, in particular after considering the specific privacy clause regarding data that must be respected. Members of the GIRC are authorised as they are formally involved in the present project. Thank you for your cooperation!

Final Draft of the “Technical Document on Bat Ringing in Italy” (pdf format)

Ringing Database

The present database is to be considered as a prototype until its approval by the Ministry, as stated above. The goal of this site is to give the experts the chance to test the functioning of the database, find ways it can be improved and to help them become familiar with the platform.

We suggest that the paragraphs concerning the database included in the document on bat ringing be read very carefully before the platform be used, in order to obtain all the information necessary to its functioning.

To report any lack of information, malfunction or problems that may arise, please contact the database manager, Damiano Preatoni.

Access to the Database

In a second phase of testing, individual ringers will be able to access in a personal and exclusive manner, their data in order to check and/or update the information submitted.

Associazione Teriologica Italiana Onlus
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Charles Darwin"
Università di Roma "La Sapienza" - Viale dell'Università, 32
I-00185 Roma (RM)