
Italian Bat Red List

Definition of the Italian Bat Red List (by GIRC)

The GIRC took part in the completion of the section on bats of the Italian Mammal Red List, cooperating directly with Dr. Carlo Rondinini of La Sapienza University of Rome, operating on behalf of the Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare and coordinated by the Commissione Fauna dell’Unione Zoologica Italiana.

This collaboration included members of the Italian Mammal Society and several colleagues with specific knowledge and experience, both in the final review stage and in the evaluation of the criteria for each species.

It is therefore fitting to express our gratitude to those who contributed with information, advice, suggestions. In particular: Gianna Dondini and Simone Vergari for their detailed information on Nyctalus lasiopterus and Nyctalus leisleri; Luca Lapini and Boris Krystufek (Slovenia) for their information on Eptesicus nilssonii and Vespertilio murinus; Mauro Mucedda for the data regarding Rhinolophus mehelyi, Myotis punicus and Plecotus sardus; Antonio Ruggieri for the supplementary distribution data on several species.

Italian Bat Red List (Pdf)

Informative Notes

Species are assigned a certain IUCN category on the basis of distribution data together with population and ecological dynamics.

Finding this information for each species is challenging at best, with difficulties in collecting detailed data, non fragmented studies at a local level, historical population trends and data that is still unpublished.

The main contribution of the group was therefore providing a complete picture of the available data for each species.

The Red List Criteria is available on the IUCN website for whoever would like to consult the detailed data interpretation and consecutive IUCN category attribution.

What to do to contribute to a potential completion of the product

Regarding the information contained in a typical species sheet, one should verify all data relative to the following sections and contact the GIRC directly for any modifications:

verify the accuracy and completion of the description and, if need be, propose supplementary information (additional areas of presence and/or distribution maps)
verify the accuracy and completion of the maximum and minimum values for the altitude range and, if need be, propose supplementary information
verify the accuracy and completion of the information regarding population size and, if need be, propose supplementary numerical information
Habitat and Ecology:
verify the accuracy and completion of the information and, if need be, propose supplementary information (additional types of habitat, for example)
verify the accuracy and completion of the information and, if need be, propose supplementary information
Country distribution:
verify the accuracy and completion of the information and, if need be, propose modifications regarding only one category present in the sheet per communication
General Habitats:
verify the accuracy and completion of the information and, if need be, propose additional habitats by exclusively using the habitat list provided in the IUCN Authority Files.
Major Threats:
verify the accuracy and completion of the information and, if need be, propose supplementary information or modifications by exclusively using the list provided in the IUCN Authority Files.
Conservation Measures:
verify the accuracy and completion of the information and, if need be, propose supplementary information or modifications by exclusively using the list provided in the IUCN Authority Files.
Utilisation of species:
verify the accuracy and completion of the information and, if need be, propose supplementary information or modifications by exclusively using the list provided in the IUCN Authority Files.

Any comments should be structured in a text document (word or .odt for example) and sent by e-mail to the GIRC, specifying the species and relative bibliographical references for new data in the same form as the original species section.

Only proposals that follow the format listed above will be considered, to simplify the addition of the data provided.

Thank you in advance for your collaboration!

Associazione Teriologica Italiana ETS
Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie "Charles Darwin"
Università di Roma "La Sapienza" - Viale dell'Università, 32
I-00185 Roma (RM)